Our effectiveness in combating slavery and human trafficking

LON uses the following key performance indicators to measure how effective we have been to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or 
supply chains:

HR in conjunction with the sites will conduct labour monitoring, right to work documentation and payroll audits.

The Purchasing teams will undertake a level of communication and personal contact with the next link in the supply chain to ensure their understanding of, and compliance with, our expectations.

The Technical department will regularly review policies from Ethical Policy (POL004) including ethical systems such as Sedex in the UK and associated codes of conduct, POL26 Product Authenticity, Claims, TACCP and Chain of Custody Policy (POL026), through the Supplier approval system (TEC002) in the Supplier Audit Questionnaire and physical audit and our working practices which show our commitment.

This statement is made in accordance with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the Company’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year December 2023. The policy will be reviewed, as a minimum, on an annual basis to ensure the statement is up to date.
Reporting suspicions of slavery

Employees can report any suspicions of slavery either through the Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblowing) policy or externally to the Modern Slavery Helpline. Details are set out below:

0800 0121 700LONDINIUM A&C LLP

Ralph Buchholz
Designated Member

Last updated: 27 February 2024 in respect of financial year 31 December 2023