It is the time of year that our corporate sales team are getting really busy putting together ideas and quotes for regular and new business customer alike, who are seeking to delight their staff, important customers or suppliers with a Christmas food and/or alcohol thank you.

Our sales staff are all very knowledgeable about all our products. There is nothing they haven’t been involved in taste testing to select for inclusion in our gifts, so you can be sure their recommendations come straight from the heart (or should that be belly?!)

They are equipped to calculate volume quotations for either bulk or individual delivery (both UK and overseas) on all the hampers in our range of over 350 that are available to view on our website or a selection to inspire you in our catalogue (available as pdf here or a hard copy here)

If you can’t find quite what you need in our ‘off the peg’ collection, our sales team can put together a bespoke gift that exactly meets your requirements, taste and (most importantly) budget. 

They are also able to add elements of branding or personalisation depending on your requirements.

All you need to get started is a conversation with one of our team – so let’s introduce them to you so you can know a bit more about who you are talking to! 


From start to finish Steph works tirelessly to make sure she delivers perfection for her customers. Favourite thing from our hamper: Black Olive Pate Tapenade, it goes really well on our Sourdough Crackers Minitele and is the perfect salty, deeply savoury snack when that is what you need.


With a name like Holly how can she not be obsessed with making everyone’s Christmas just a little more joyful! Favourite thing from our hampers: Our shortbread - it has this amazing buttery taste and rich sweetness. Soft and crumbly and just melts in your mouth and a good size to the biscuit too!


Kate is our latest addition to our fabulous sales team, but she already has a lot of experience behind her! Favourite thing from our hampers: The raspberry jam - I've tried many, but none come close to the rich taste of this one. Scones won't be the same again!

They all work really hard and care genuinely deeply for each one of their customers and will do everything in their power to ensure customers and recipients alike are thrilled with the result of their corporate Christmas gifting experience with Hay Hampers. 

We know this year is going to be a year like no other- not least because the ability to offer staff Christmas parties/celebrations is so limited and we are already seeing a very large uplift for this reason alone. We really recommend you get your quotation done early to ensure your spot (and take advantage of our best offers and discounts). 

So call us now on 01476 550420 to get the team busy on your behalf.