As 60% of the team at Hay Hampers are mothers, we think we are qualified to say exactly what Mums really want for Mother’s day!


Mothers of young children

"All we really want is some sleep, peace and quiet and a house that stays tidy for more than 5 minutes! Well it certainly feels that way - but then we get it and we are dying to be back with our children, missing the noise and mess in a way we never imagined!"

Our best gifts for mums of young kids?

Alcohol! Not that we want to encourage binge drinking but we all know how much a glass of something helps after their bedtime is done! 


Mothers of teenagers

"All we really want is to be noticed and appreciated! With kids spending more time in their rooms or out we would just love a conversation and a little reminder why we are actually quite happy to be taxi and general sounding board for the frustrations of puberty that we all remember!"

Our best gifts for mums of teenagers?

Our tea and biscuit hampers – nothing helps generate time together or soothes a teenage crisis like a good cup of tea and an indulgent bickie or two!



Mothers of adults

"All we really want is time with all our children all together, seeing them grown happy and settled, and not having to do any of the work so that this happens – someone else making the arrangements, do the cooking and clearing up!"

Our best gift for mums of adults?

Our range of Gourmet dinner hampers – send her a hamper filled with items to create gourmet authentic meals: our Italian range is particularly delicious and easy