As 2020 begins, so do the resolutions set by consumers up and down the UK.

Adopting a more plant-based diet is sure to be chief among them, and some shoppers are choosing to go the whole hog and avoid animal products altogether.

With obesity rates in the UK doubling to grow, the shift to healthier diets is less a trend and more an imperative. Food and drink is now recognized as an intrinsic part of living well and, despite the negative statistics, consumers understand the value of forking out a little more for healthier products.

A recent European-wide consumer survey reveals that health is now considered so important that almost 50% of consumers will pay a premium for food and drink products that provide a health benefit.

As a result of consumer interest in health, sustainability and ethics - which ties into the broader consumer lifestyle trend towards cleaner living - plant-based innovation in food and beverages continues to flourish. The switch from meat to plant-based production is evidenced by the 300% increase in vegans (to 600,000) in the UK since 2014, according to The Vegan Society. And the increasing popularity of Veganuary is a proof.

To meet the increasing demand of vegan food in the market, we have created a range of vegan hamper gifts.

Actually, these hampers are suitable for every occasion and they contain an array of sweet and savoury vegan approved treats including drinks and wine.