Hay Hampers was invited to take part in a lecture at the University of Padua, in Italy, on the 9th April 2018 as a case study of a fast-growing e-commerce business.

About a hundred Italian students of the faculty of communication attended the lecture arranged by the professor of business management Marco Bettiol and given by the Marketing Director at Hay Hampers Elisabeth Och. The main interest of the University of Padua in Hay Hampers was in the marketing strategy which has led the British company to gain a new position in the hamper industry and constantly grow their business.




The University of Padua is one of the most prestigious universities in Italy. As well as this, it is also one of the oldest universities in the world as it was founded in 1222 as a school of law. It is the second-oldest in Italy and the fifth-oldest in the world. In 2016 it was ranked ‘best university’ among Italian institutions of higher education with more than 40,000 students.

“Attracting the attention of foreign research institutions is an amazing achievement for a small family-owned business such as ours, even more important than the results we have reached in recent years” states Gabriele Da Re, Managing Director of Hay Hampers. “We have been very happy to have the opportunity to bring our working life into university as staying in touch with young generations is a great way to grow new, fresh ideas”.