In this peculiar year never has it been so desired, deserved and required to shop small and support local. And we would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported our small business through this time.

For many years, Hay Hampers have participated in the American Express Shop Small event.  Amex’s Small Business Saturday UK this year falls on 5th December

In 2020’s much needed circumstances, Amex extended beyond the traditional December campaign and also ran the spend offer for 12 weeks over summer. During the promotions, card members receive a £5 credit statement for every small business they shop with using their card (up to a maximum limit).

We ourselves try to support small businesses that are like minded with ourselves, aiming to source the items that go into our food and wine hampers from local and small wherever possible

We always try to champion passionate producers and get their product to a wider audience than they might otherwise achieve and we truly believe the benefit is mutual. We receive so many compliments from our customers and their recipients.

Thank you again to everyone shopping small and supporting businesses like our own, where there are small groups of real people working hard to produce the best product and service they possibly can.