If you didn’t know, tomorrow (the 5th February) is World Nutella Day (established 2007!). Nutella was developed in the late 40’s in Italy to help the small amount of post war cocoa go further! Since then the world has fallen in love with this delicious spread and it is enjoyed world over for breakfast, pancakes & crepes. 

However, we want you to know why you should upgrade your chocolate spread experience to our Nocciolosa spread from Le Crème di Rachele, which you can find in our hampers!



Our spread is made with 45% toasted hazelnuts, all from the Piedmont region of Italy, Nutella uses only 13% nuts and they are primarily grown in Turkey.

Nutella uses palm oil and skimmed milk powder - the only fat in ours comes from cocoa butter, whole milk and the nuts themselves. This means our spread contains only 3.4% saturated fat over Nutella’s 10.6%. Ours also has a lower sugar content.  Although still a treat, we know that ours is better than Nutella not just in the flavour!

And better still, we also have two other delicious sweet spreads for you to experience. One made with pistachio nuts (which tastes like pistachio gelato in spread form!) and milk spread (which to us tastes like the white part of a Kinder bar in spread form).

So why not spread a little love this Valentine’s and buy our tasting case to give to your favourite chocolate spread lover – (and then hope they love you enough to share!)