Hay Hampers will be sponsoring Health and Wellbeing at Work Show with their hampers at NEC, Birmingham on 5th and 6th March.

Besides exhibiting at the show, Hay Hampers will supply a selection of healthy fresh fruit baskets for refreshments in the speaker’s show lounge as well as gifts with champagne and luxury Belgian chocolates and wine boxes as prizes.

Elisabeth Och, Marketing Director at Hay Hampers explains:

“We are delighted to have the opportunity to give our gourmet products to a discerning audience of nearly two hundred speakers over the duration of the show. In addition to this, we consider this occasion a great way to promote our brand and corporate ethos”.

In its 13th year, Health and Wellbeing at Work is all about improving the health and wellbeing of work-aged people. Profiling national developments, service innovations, examples of best practice and the latest research, the conference and exhibition provide a learning platform.

Gabriele Da Re, Managing Director at Hay Hampers comments:

“Gifts are an important part of the reward mix. They are one of the strongest ways for employers to say thank you to their staff, and they also act to motivate employees. A giveaway isn’t just for an occasion, it has longer-term business benefits too as a gift makes the staff feel valued. And even more when it’s all about delicious, quality treats”.