The British cheese making industry has been hit hard by the lockdown and the closure of so many restaurants and eateries.

There have been many responses to try to support the industry. We are lucky enough that demand on our service has risen and hence our demand of the cheeses in our hampers have helped support the cheesemakers we buy from. We are passionate supporters of the British food industry, and aim wherever possible to buy from small family food businesses such as our own, and we are sad not to be able to support more than just our suppliers, and then this came under our eyes.

The Academy of Cheese is putting on the British Cheese Weekender – from 8-10 May over bank holiday weekend.

It is a free, online cheese festival featuring live-streamed talks by some of the country's leading cheese experts. What's more, by joining in you too can help expand your knowledge and help to save British cheese.

There are quizzes, lectures on cheese eating etiquette, tours of cheesemongers, recipes, history, pairings, how to make your own and even cheese poetry.

So if you are free this weekend ( – and frankly who isn’t?), pop along online and join in the fun – we will be! And as proper cheese fanatics it is a great excuse to buy some cheese, eat some cheese and learn a little more – maybe next year you will see our cheese hamper selection change up a little from what we discover!

Here is the link to the event. Have fun!