Searching for the perfect birthday gift for her? Discover some of our bestsellers!


Sweet Treats

An array of chocolate treats and birthday cake hampers to treat her sweet tooth!


Birthday Prosecco & Treats For Her

Spoil her with our favourite Prosecco, delectable chocolate pralines, Belgian chocolate sticks, smooth dark chocolate, oaty biscuits, coconut ice and a chocolate coated marzipan bar.


Birthday Wine & Treats

Spanish white wine, rich iced fruit cakes, French lemon sable biscuits, white chocolate and strawberry oaty cookies and chocolate pralines make a real treat!


Birthday Afternoon Tea Gift

This gift has everything she needs for a delightful cream tea; fruit scone, sweet raspberry jam, smooth clotted cream,  fudge, crumbly oaty biscuits, all-butter shortbread and a pack of English tea. Complete with a bakery-made Victoria sponge cake and candle!


Special Birthday Food & Wine Gift

A bottle of our premium Prosecco with a handmade chocolate sponge cake and a stack of sweet and savoury goodies, including crisps, chocolates, biscuits and cookies.


Tea Time Delights Bag

Ceylon tea and a fine selection of biscuits (all butter shortbread, choc chip biscotti bites, French lemon and ginger sable biscuits and white chocolate and strawberry oaty biscuits), a raspberry cheesecake fudge bar and even velvety lemon curd they can enjoy spread on some freshly baked bread.


A Whole Lotta Chocca Gift Hamper

Choc-a-bloc with treats: a fluffy chocolate sponge cake with a heavenly chocolate buttercream filling, indulgent cocoa dusted chocolate truffles, mint crèmes, Belgian chocolate sticks, bubbly honeycomb chunks, chocolate hazelnuts, sugared almonds, biscotti and white chocolate pralines. drinking fudge


Savoury Favourites

For those who like both sweet and savoury, these gift hampers include scrumptious snacks and cheeses.

Birthday Bonanza

Assorted Belgian chocolates and white chocolate and strawberry oaties. Later on, she can enjoy the bottle Sauvignon Blanc along with a savoury nibble or two!


Birthday Happiness - Cheese, Wine & Choc

A superb bottle of red Malbec wine, with chocolatey sponge cake, artisan cheeses, oatcakes and a generous jar of handmade real ale chutney to enjoy.


Birthday Cheese, Pate & Wine Lunch

Iced birthday fruit cakes, Bordeaux, mature Red Leicester cheese, Ardennes pate, Scottish oatcakes, chilli crisps and corn snacks, creamy handmade vanilla fudge.


Rioja, Pate & Cheeses Gift Hamper

This gift contains a bottle of Rioja red wine, a perfect food match for the artisan Champagne terrine, creamy double Gloucester cheese with chive and onion and a soft British brie. Finally, melt in the mouth cheese biscuits and hand-baked dipping crackers.