At this time of year our thoughts always turn to Mums because of the approach of Mothering Sunday, which this year occurs on 14th March. There are all sorts of stages of Mum-hood so sometimes it is impossible to talk so generally about Mothers. But here are our reasons why we want to say a particular thank you to all the different kinds of Mums, in 2021 especially, arguably more than in any other year, and why we think each and every Mum deserves a special hamper treat for a gift.

The New Mums… 

If you gave birth in the pandemic period – wow! As a majority female run business, many of us at Hay Hampers are Mums ourselves, and we know how hard childbirth is without the difficulties involved in managing not just the birth but all the pre and post birth appointments in a socially distanced way. Plus the difficulties and sadness involved when your baby may not be able to be met and cuddled by all the wider family and your support community. We can’t imagine how hard this has been and salute you! 

Recommended Gift:

Mums of the Young (and not so young - teenagers)

I am not sure we need to say more than - Home Schooling!! But we also know how difficult it has been to look after, reassure and nurture children and teenagers in these difficult days in many more ways than ‘just’ their education, often, when we don’t feel very certain or assured ourselves. It is easy to always feel like we are not doing a good enough job when it comes to our children, but we want to say a big well done and you are doing a great job!

Recommended Gift:

Empty Nest Mums

Children may leave home but that doesn’t mean they leave your heart! And with the ability to meet up and celebrate the special (and even not so special) occasions together being taken from us all - we are all missing our Mums (and children) more than ever. The Mums who always have time for a chat, who are interested in what you have been doing even when that is nothing! Telephone chats and video calls are wonderful but don’t quite make up for the lack of close contact. But until we can meet again, send them a hug in hamper form for being there even virtually!

Recommended gift:

Angel Mums

We know that for some Mother’s day can be a particularly difficult time of year, when a Mother’s absence is felt even more acutely. If you would like to opt out of receiving any further Mother’s day emails or blog posts please contact us and let us know. Alternatively, you may wish to celebrate the occasion and raise a glass to your Mum from afar. So treat yourself like your Mum would want, or enjoy her favourite treats in her honour… 

Recommended treat: